TripAdvisor has become one of the most popular travel resources for people of all ages and preferences. From activities to restaurants to hotels and more, many travelers turn to the reviews on the website in order to plan out the best vacation. If you haven’t noticed, TripAdvisor also has reviews of airlines from around the world, and these are the ones that are most loved (based on ratings and number of reviews):
JetBlue Airways
- Legroom: 4.5/5
- Seat Comfort: 4/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4.5/5
- Food and Beverage: 4/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 4/5
Garuda Indonesia
- Legroom: 4/5
- Seat Comfort: 4/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4/5
- Food and Beverage: 4/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 4/5
- Legroom: 4/5
- Seat Comfort: 4/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4.5/5
- Food and Beverage: 4/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 3.5/5
Singapore Airlines
- Legroom: 4/5
- Seat Comfort: 4/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4.5/5
- Food and Beverage: 4.5/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 4.5/5
Southwest Airlines
- Legroom: 3.5/5
- Seat Comfort: 3.5/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4.5/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4.5/5
- Food and Beverage: 3.5/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 3.5/5
- Legroom: 4/5
- Seat Comfort: 4/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4/5
- Food and Beverage: 4/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 4/5
Qatar Airways
- Legroom: 4/5
- Seat Comfort: 4/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4/5
- Food and Beverage: 4/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 4.5/5
Azul Brazilian Airlines
- Legroom: 4/5
- Seat Comfort: 4/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4.5/5
- Food and Beverage: 4/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 4.5/5
- Legroom: 4/5
- Seat Comfort: 4/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4.5/5
- Food and Beverage: 4.5/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 4.5/5
- Legroom: 3.5/5
- Seat Comfort: 3.5/5
- Customer Service: 4.5/5
- Value for Money: 4/5
- Cleanliness: 4.5/5
- Check-in and Boarding: 4.5/5
- Food and Beverage: 3.5/5
- In-flight entertainment (WiFi, TV, movies): 4/5